Online Manual - All-Star Selection
The SCPRD will take nominations for all-star teams prior to the end of the regular season in each sport. A master ballot will be created and the league's head coaches will vote for the players that they feel deserve the honor.
A coach may NOT vote for a player that was on his/her regular season team. If a coach is selected as the all-star team coach and has to make additional selections to the team - they may, at that time, select someone from their own team, provided that player's name is on the nomination list.
All players receiving unanimous votes, which is everyone except their own coach, will be placed onto the All-Star team roster. If space remains on the roster for everyone who received all but one vote, they will then be added to the roster. If space still remains on the roster, the selected All-Star coach will pick the remainder of his players from the nomination list.
The league's head coaches will vote for one of their peers as the All-Star coach or they may choose to "write in" a full time staff member of the SCPRD. If the selected coach declines the opportunity to coach the team - the SCPRD staff member in charge of the program will select the coach. If no suitable coach can be found, an SCPRD staff member may be appointed as the head coach.
To be the head coach of an All-Star team, a coach must have successfully passed a background check and be certified by an approved certification program or be a full time member of the SCPRD staff.
The SCPRD will pay the entry fee into all GRPA and Little League events. If the current budget allows, a uniform for the team will be purchased or portions of a uniform may be purchased. If the budget does not allow, the players/parents of the team are responsible for providing the uniform. The SCPRD does NOT provide travel cost such as lodging, meals, fuel, etc. All costs above that of the uniform and the entry fee are the responsibility of the player/parents.
All-Star ballots will be subject to the open records act and will be available, upon request, for a period of one year.
The official SCPRD color scheme is: Navy Blue, Columbia Blue and White. All-Star uniforms should use this color scheme.
The goal of each All-Star team at every level is to (1) represent Sumter County in an appropriate manner and (2) to compete at the highest level possible and to play each game with the goal of winning the tournament.
Coaches will be held to the highest standards of behavior and will be given the freedom to play their players in the manner that they see necessary, as long as all regulations or playing requirements are met!