Online Manual - Parent and Fan Behavior
The SCPRD expects all fans to behave in a manner that is reflective of good moral character.
Any fan that is ejected for unsportsmanlike conduct must leave the park/facility immediately and will not be allowed to attend the following game of the team in which they are affiliated with and may not enter the facility until their entire suspension has been served.
There are no alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs allowed on SCPRD property. The discovery of alcoholic beverage or illegal drugs will result in expulsion from the facility and the violater will be subject to arrest.
All fans are asked to boost the players by restricting your public comments to those of praise. Follow this simple rule. "If you wouldn't make your comment at your child's spelling bee...then don't say it here, in our classroom."
When traveling to other facilities, the SCPRD reminds fans to be on an even higher standard of behavior. All actions, good and bad, are a reflection on this department. Please represent us in a way that reflects positively on our local program.