Online Manual - Athletic Division Goals
- To introduce children, beginning at the age of five (5), to a variety of sports, in programs that require all personnel to be nationally certified, programs for children younger than five (5) years of age may be offered through the department. The beginner sports programs for children ages five (5) and six (6) will be conducted in a less competitive environment. These age divisions will focus on basic instruction and skill development and the importance of making sports fun.
- To set minimum playing requirements for all youth sports programs and age divisions that ensures that each child is given the opportunity to improve and test their own skills in a game situation.
- To be progressively competitive as a child advances in age and to act as a feeder system to the local schools athletic programs.
- To teach young people, their parents and coaches that it is important to play to win but that it is just as important to learn how to accept a loss. Our motto is "Winning more than just the game."
- To form post season tournament teams in a fair and equitable manner and to encourage these teams to be competitive on the district, state and if possible, the regional and national levels.