The SCPRD offers the following leagues of youth football, based on age:
1. FLAG Football for children 5 and 6 years of age
2. FLEA Football for children 7 and 8 years of age
3. MITE Football for children 9 and 10 years of age
4. MIDGET Football for children 11 and 12 years of age
The SCPRD and its agents do not allow children below the age of seven to play tackle football. In all tackle divisions, a player that requests to play above their age division must receive approval from the athletic manager.
The only children allowed to play below their age division must have documented proof of a physical or mental disability and be approved by the SCPRD.
The age control date for youth football is September 1st. A player's age on August 31st is their playing age.
The leagues are governed by the current rules and regulations of the GHSA with the exceptions found in this local rule book.
A Flag football game will have each team receiving two offensive possessions per half. If a team makes a first down, the possession continues. Once both teams have received their two offensive possessions, the half is complete. A turnover does not constitute an offensive possession.
In Flag football, no official score will be kept on the field.
In Flea and Mite Divisions, the teams shall play four equal quarters of six minutes with a running clock. The final two minutes of each half the clock will be operated by high school regulations.
In Midget Division, the teams will play four equal quarters of eight minutes with a running clock. The final two minutes of each half, the clock will be operated by high school regulations.
All halftime periods will be equal to the length of one quarter.
Each team is allowed four time outs per game…NOT PER HALF!!!
If the game is tied at the end of regulation play (Flea-Midget only), each team will receive the ball for an offensive possession at the ten yard line. If the game remains tied after two overtime periods, all teams must go for two points on the PAT.
A team must have at least ten players to begin the game in the Flea to Midget Divisions. If, at any time, a team falls below ten, the game is a forfeit. In Flag football, a team must have at least six players to begin.
The PAT in Flea League shall be one point with a successful run into the end zone from the three yard line or two points with a successful pass into the end zone from the three yard line.
The PAT in Mite and Midget Leagues shall be one point with a successful run or pass into the end zone from the three yard line, or two points with a successful kick, between the uprights, from the ten yard line. In Mite Division, there is no rush allowed on the PAT. In Midget Division, the line may rush on the referees whistle.
Field dimensions for Flag and Flea are 80 yards long x 50 yards wide. Dimensions for Mite and Midget are 100 yards long x 50 yards wide.
There are no kickoffs in Flag or Flea Divisions.
In Mite or Midget Divisions, the kickoff will occur from the 40 yard line. The receiving team must be lined up ten yards off the ball - at the 50 yard line. GHSA rules will apply for onsides kicks.
There are no punts in Flag or Flea football. If on the fourth down a team declares a punt, the ball will be placed 25 yards from the line of scrimmage. Inside of the 25 yard line, the ball would be placed on the 20 yard line.
In Mite Division, there is no rush of the punt. Both lines must remain still until the ball is punted.
In Midget Division, GHSA rules apply.
There are no linebacker or defensive back blitzes in Flea or Mite Divisions. This means that only down linemen can rush the passer. The violation will result in a five yard delay of game penalty.
In Flea and Mite Divisions, no defensive player may line up over the center.
There will be a 30 second play clock enforced. Once the ball is whistled into play, the offensive team will have 30 seconds to run their play. The violation will result in a five yard delay of game penalty.
In Flag or Flea, one coach may be in the offensive and defensive huddles to help with calling plays and defensive alignments. Once the play has gone to the line of scrimmage, the coach must back away ten yards. A violation will result in a five yard delay of game penalty.
In Mite or Midget, no coaches are allowed onto the field. The play must be signaled in or sent in by another player. After one sideline warning, any coaches on the field may result in a 15 yard unsportsmanlike conduct penalty.
The SCPRD will allow a maximum of three coaches on the field during the games (all leagues). This means no water boys, ball boys, sons of coaches, etc. Only three adults total are allowed on the sidelines.
Each team may have up to three coaches; a head coach and two assistants. The head coaches' child will be placed in draft spot #2. The first assistant coach will have his child in spot #4. The second assistant coach will have his child in spot #6. If a coach has more than one child, the second child will be placed in the highest available draft spot, other than #1.
Draft order will be determined by random draw. Once the draft begins, it will reverse at the end of each round. If a team has a player in that round, they are passed over. Once the draft is complete, no trades are allowed.
Siblings, living in the same household, will be placed on the same team. This means when one sibling is drafted, the other goes to that same team in the very next open spot.
The SCPRD will not make considerations for people getting on the same team because of carpool reasons, cousins, neighbors, etc. Every player, other than coaches' kids that are frozen to a specific team, must go through the draft.
The roster limit for each team is:
Flag Division - 12 players maximum
Flea Division - 20 players maximum
Mite Division - 20 players maximum
Midget Division - 25 players maximum
Shoes must be rubber molded cleats or soft soled shoes. No steel spikes are allowed.
A youth size football will be used for all divisions. The approved footballs are K2 for Flag and Flea, TDJ for Mite and TDY for Midget.
All helmets must be NOCSAE stamped for safety and have been reconditioned within the past three year period. All players must wear a helmet, shoulder pads, football pants with a seven piece pad set, chin strap and a mouthpiece.
All jerseys must have a factory style, non duplicated number on the front and back.
In all age divisions: During the first half of play, every player on the roster must start on one side of the ball and play the entire first half (except at their own request for a breather). In the second half, coaches may play their own players at their discretion. Coaches are encouraged to use good judgment and play everyone as much as possible throughout the entire game.
All coaches are demanded to show good sportsmanship at all times during the game. Any ejection for unsportsmanlike conduct will result in the person being ejected leaving the regional park property immediately. They must sit out the remainder of that game and the following game. A coach or player ejected may not practice or play with his team until the full suspension has been served.
Coaches are responsible for their fans to a certain degree. If a parent or fan is displaying inappropriate behavior, the head coach will be given one opportunity to speak with that person. If the behavior continues, the fan will be removed from the park.
There are no alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs allowed at the complex.
The SCPRD has a zero tolerance policy when it comes to sportsmanship. Everyone will behave in a way that is positive or be removed from the complex.