Season: Each Saturday in January from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Age Group: 5 & 6 (Age control date of January 1st)
Location: Sumter County Elementary School Gymnasium
Supervisor: Dean Batts (Part-Time Staff)
Cost: $30.00 per player
Uniform: Each player receives a T-shirt and a Mini Basketball
Concept: Players partner with a "buddy", which is usually mom or dad, uncle, etc. They are taught the basic skills of basketball. No teams. No games.
Registration: October 27 - November 21
Season: December - February
Age Groups: 7 & 8 Flea / 9 & 10 Mite / 11 & 12 Midget (Age control date of January 1)
Locations: 8U & 10U @ Sumter Middle School / 12U @ South Georgia Technical College
Supervisor: Darius Harris - 8U & 10U / Steve Morris (Part-Time Staff) - 12U
Cost: $55.00 per player
Uniform: Each player receives jersey and shorts
Concept: Players are drafted onto teams to participate in a competitive league
Registration: October 27 - November 21
Season: March - April
Age Group: 5 Year Olds only
Location: Americus-Sumter County Regional Park (U.S. 19 South)
Supervisor: Darius Harris / Jeff Fussell
Cost: $55.00 per player
Uniform: Each player receives a jersey, cap and socks
Concept: Tee Ball is non competitive, meaning no score is kept. Each team allows all players on the roster to bat in each inning. All players also play defensively.
Registration: January 28 - February 22
Season: March - May
Age Groups: 6 Year Old Coach Pitch / 8U Machine Pitch / 10U Machine Pitch / 12U / 14U
Location: Americus-Sumter County Regional Park (U.S. 19 South)
Supervisors: Darius Harris / Jeff Fussell
Cost: $55.00 per player
Uniform: Each player receives a jersey, cap, and socks
Concept: Players are drafted onto teams for competitive league play
Registration: January 28 - February 22
Season: September - November
Age Groups: 6 & Under / 8 & Under / 12 & Under
Location: Americus-Sumter County Regional Park (U.S. 19 South) - Practice @ Boone Park
Supervisor: Priscilla West
Cost: $55.00
Uniform: Each cheerleader receives a full uniform and pompoms
Concept: Squads cheer for their assigned football teams
Registration: July 21 - August 15
Season: September - November
Age Groups: 6 & Under / 8 & Under / 10 & Under / 12 & Under
Location: Americus-Sumter County Regional Park (U.S. 19 South) - Practice @ Boone Park and Thomas Bell Stadium
Supervisor: Darius Harris
Cost: $55.00
Uniform: Each players receives a jersey, helmet, shoulder pads and mouthpiece
Concept: Players are drafted onto teams for local league play
Registration: July 21 - August 15
Season: September - November
Age Groups: U7 / U10 / U12 / U16
Location: Americus-Sumter County Regional Park (U.S. 19 South)
Supervisor: Jeff Fussell
Cost: $55.00
Uniform: Each player receives a jersey and shorts
Concept: Players are drafted onto teams for local play
Registration: July 21 - August 15
The Sumter County Parks and Recreation Department will no longer select or fund post season All-Star teams. A coach, who coached in the local league, may form their own post season team. To be eligible for GRPA competition, these teams must be made up of kids who played in our local league and meet all GRPA eligibility requirements. The coach must submit a deposit equal to the entry fee for the District tournament prior to District entry meeting. Along with their roster of players, if more than the allowable entries have requested to have a team, a local tournament will be held to determine the entries. Once the teams have been selected for District play, the SCPRD will pay the entry fee into the GRPA event. This is the only financial obligation of the department.